USB physical editions for Rance IX – The Helmanian Revolution, Higurashi When They Cry Hou+, and Umineko When They Cry are available right now on the MangaGamer store and at our booth at Anime Expo this weekend!

The USB physical edition contains:
- Special outer box
- Lore and Rough Sketch Booklet, 80 pages
- “The Story Thus Far”
- Character intros
- Rough sketches
- Mini event sketches
- Background sketches
- Staff corners
- Sheila Two-sided Acrylic Keychain
- Rance IX game on USB
- Rance IX OST on USB
- Rance IX digital download card

The USB Physical Edition features:
- Full 8 Chapters, Rei, and Hou+ on USB!
- Multi-OS Support
- Dual-Language
- Renewed Art (Switchable from original)
- Original BGM
- Un-Cut Contents
- Digital Steam key for all chapters

The USB Physical Edition features:
- Full 8 Chapters on USB!
- Multi-OS Support
- Dual-Language
- Renewed Art (Switchable from original)
- Original BGM
- Un-Cut Contents
- Digital Steam key for all chapters