Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! Join us for a special sale and grab our products that offer Chinese language support on both MangaGamer.com and Steam!
Sale Period:
Wednesday, January 28th 9PM PT / Thursday, January 29th 12AM ET
Wednesday, February 5th 9PM PT / Thursday, February 6th 12AM ET
Bokuten – Why I Became an Angel $44.95 $17.98 (-60%) MG | Steam
D.S. Dal Segno $39.95 $19.97 (-50%) MG | Steam
Da Capo 3 R $39.99 $19.99 (-50%) Steam
Da Capo 3 R X-Rated $44.95 $22.47 (-50%) MG
Distant Memorajo $19.95 $13.96 (-30%) MG | Steam
eden* $19.95 $9.97 (-50%) MG | Steam
eden* PLUS+MOSAIC $24.95 $12.47 (-50%) MG
ef – the first tale. $29.95 $14.97 (-50%) MG | Steam
Go! Go! Nippon 2016 $7.95 $3.97 (-50%) MG
Go! Go! Nippon 2016 Deluxe $19.95 $9.97 (-50%) MG
Hashihime of the Old Book Town $34.95 $19.22 (-45%) MG | Steam
Himawari $34.95 $12.23 (-65%) MG | Steam
Space Live $9.95 $3.98 (-60%) MG | Steam
Steam Prison $34.95 $19.22 (-45%) MG | Steam
Steam Prison -Beyond the Steam- $34.95 $34.95 (-%) MG | Steam
Steam Prison Fin Route $9.95 $7.96 (-20%) MG
The Expression Amrilato $24.95 $19.96 (-20%) MG | Steam
Wanting Wings $34.95 $24.46 (-30%) MG | Steam
eden* PLUS+MOSAIC $4.99 $2.49 (-50%) Steam
Go! Go! Nippon ~My First Trip to Japan~ $9.99 $4.99 (-50%) Steam
Go! Go! Nippon 2015 $7.99 $3.99 (-50%) Steam
Go! Go! Nippon 2016 $7.99 $3.99 (-50%) Steam
Steam Prison Fin Route $9.99 $7.99 (-20%) Steam
Bokuten – Kick Start Generation OVA + Album $19.95 $9.97 (-50%) MG | Steam
Bokuten Original Soundtrack & Vocal Collection $9.95 $4.97 (-50%) MG | Steam
eden* Soundtrack $7.99 $3.99 (-50%) Steam