Kara no Shojo: The Second Episode Graphics Glitch Patch


If you downloaded Kara no Shojo: The Second Episode last night and have encountered a graphics glitch where the screen is abruptly rendered upside-down, we have a fix for that! Just download the patchand extract the files into the game folder. You can also re-download the game from your account. If you have purchased and downloaded the game in the last few hours, you should already have the updated version.

Note: the patch is only for the Windows version of the game. We have not received reports of the bug occurring in the Mac or Linux versions of the game. (If you do encounter it on those versions, please let us know and we’ll get it fixed!)

Please don’t hesitate to contact support if you encounter other issues or require further assistance with installation.

Higurashi Chapter 2: Watanagashi Now Available for Pre-order!


The second installment of Higurashi: When They Cry, Watanagashi, is now available for pre-orderWatanagashi will be available on MangaGamer.com and Steam on Friday, November 13th! Pre-ordering on MangaGamer.com will get you the game at 10% off and you’ll receive a complimentary Steam key as well.

In this chapter, Watanagashi (“Cotton Drift”) Keiichi encounters a brand-new mystery in Hinamiazawa – Shion Sonozaki. Who exactly is Shion? Is she really Mion’s twin sister? Is she just an alter ego Mion adopts to let off steam, or is she a split personality? Maybe she’s being manipulated into carrying out Oyashiro-sama’s curse?! Either way, you’ll have to find out the answers or die trying… when the higurashi cry.

euphoria––Demo Now Available and Pre-orders Open!


ClockUp’s infamous euphoria is now available for pre-ordereuphoria will be 10% off until it’s released on November 27th, 2015! If you’re curious about the notorious title (uncensored and uncut for the English release no less), you’re in luck because we have a playable demo up now too––get a sampling of scenes from the game and check out the fully uncensored, “HD Remaster” artwork by the talented Shigeo Hamashima!

*For those unfamiliar with the title, please be aware that euphoria contains content many people might find disturbing including depictions of extreme sexual situations, violence, and sexual violence.

Continue reading

Princess Evangile Hardcopy Preorders Open!


We’re excited to announce that we’re going to be releasing a limited edition hardcopy for Princess Evangile! The limited edition will come with the game, the soundtrack, a 40 page mini-artbook, and a Steam key for the all-ages version! Preorders are now open. Expect it out on December 28th.

You’re probably wondering why the release date is so far off, well… we’re doing something a little special this time around. In addition to the limited edition of the game, we’re going to be producing a special wallscroll––a wallscroll you all are going to be selecting the design for!

From now through next Monday head on over to the Princess Evangile Election Page to vote for your favorite Princess Evangile girl. The winning girl will be featured on the wallscroll––which you’ll be able to preorder with the limited edition of the game at a discount, or purchase on its own. We’ve provided campaign banners on the election page so you can help get the word out to promote your favorite. The winner and the winning design will be unveiled next Tuesday!

Go! Go! Nippon! 2015 Now Available for Download!


Go! Go! Nippon! 2015 is now available for download on MangaGamer.com! You can grab the DLC or the bundle right now! The DLC will unlock on Steam tomorrow at 12 p.m. PST.

Enjoy an expanded version of the original Go! Go! Nippon! which nearly doubles the content of the original in addition to upgrading graphics to 720p widescreen and adding emote animation to Makoto and Akira’s sprites. You’ll get to visit new locations and learn even more about Japan’s culture––all with the two lovely sisters as your guide!

Fall Sale!


Fall is upon us and Halloween is coming up soon (along with the release of Kara no Shojo – The Second Episode!) so we thought a sale was in order. From now through the end of the month a number of our titles are 25-55% off!

Cartagra: Affliction of the Soul – $34.95 $24.47
Kara no Shojo – $34.95 $24.47
Cartagra + Kara no Shojo Bundle (New!) – $59.95 $41.91
Kara no Shojo Regular Edition Hardcopy – $39.95 $29.96

ef – the first tale –$29.95 $20.97
ef – the latter tale – $34.95 $24.47

Cho Dengeki Stryker – $44.95 $29.22

Go! Go! Nippon! 2015 (DLC) – $7.99 $5.99
Go! Go! Nippon! 2015 (Bundle) – $14.99 $11.24

Suika A.S+ – $29.95 $20.97

Koihime Musou – $49.95 $34.97

Guilty The Sin – $29.95 $20.97
Guilty The Sin (Hardcopy) – $34.95 $26.21

Harem Party – $24.95 $17.47
Harem Party (Hardcopy) – $34.95 $26.21

Valkyrie Svia (Hardcopy) – $24.95 $18.71

Keep your eyes peeled for a few more titles that’ll be discounted for a limited time at the end of the sale!

A Kiss For The Petals: Remembering How We Met – Tester’s Corner



Hello again everybody! Ryechu here, and I did the Windows 10 and Steam betatesting for A Kiss For The Petals – Remembering How We Met!

So you may notice that this title is… a lot different from my previous testing gig. Like, a lot a lot. For those who aren’t aware, I am a HUGE fan of the Sono Hanabira series, and when I heard that Mangagamer was localizing even one of the titles, I knew that I needed to work on this. I REALLY hope you enjoy this touching love story between what could very well be the cutest couple to ever grace St. Michael’s All-Girls School.

A Kiss for the Petals is actually a rather popular yuri nukige series released by Fuguriya starting in 2006.  Many consider it to be the best yuri VN series out on the market today, and there’s a damn good reason for that, too. Each of the, count ‘em, nineteen games is extremely popular and the production values are second to none. The art is phenomenal, the music is memorable, and the characters are equally memorable, not to mention insanely cute.


This specific title, Remembering How We Met, was originally released for Android and iOS, and explores how the relationship between Azumi Risa and Ayase Miya began. Risa, our pink-haired protagonist, is a very stubborn girl who has natural leadership qualities, and insists on having a perfect attendance record. Ayase, on the other hand, is the polar opposite in everything except stubbornness – though hers resides from the fact that she’s a genius and doesn’t have to go to class at all.

The story evolves from that one key point, and through a number of twists and turns, oftentimes comical dialogue, and just enough drama to make you want to keep reading, Remembering How We Met is a fantastic addition to the series, and I can’t wait to see what everybody thinks about it!


I had a lot of fun working on this project, and I really look forward to helping bring out more amazing titles with Mangagamer!

~J “Ryechu” R