For those who missed out on AX 2011, we now have an album up on our Facebook page with all of the photos we took! Come take a look, and add your own! See if you can find yourself in the massive Ahegao Double Peace photo!
Kara no Shoujo Translation Notes
Hey everybody,
For some reason, the translation notes for Kara no Shoujo weren’t included in the game’s release. There’s quite a few of them this time, so we wanted to make sure you could get hold of them. They should be packed in the next time the team in Japan do an update to the site, but for now, you can download them here.
Apologies again for the mixup, and enjoy – but do be warned, there are spoilers within.
Affiliates Program Now Open!
We have finally opened the doors on our new affiliates program! If you have a website, then this is your chance to help spread the word about Visual Novels and earn a few for yourself or maybe a little cash while you’re at it!
For more details and to sign up, come visit our new affiliates page! Continue reading
Interview with Innocent Grey
So, while some of you may have missed the news due to everything going on with Anime Expo 2011, our friends at Siliconera, actually arranged for an interview with Innocent Grey. You can find the interview over here, but feel free to leave comments here on the blog too.
Kara no Shoujo
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce that our release of Kara no Shoujo is now available for purchase!
Without you, the case will forever remain a mystery, the murderers will run free, and countless girls will perish. Verily, though the journey is wrought with death and suffering, their fate rests in your hands.
The time to take notebook in hand in pursuit of the truth, is now upon you.
Anime Expo Guests Update
Joining us for the first time this year at Anime Expo will be Mimasu, president of AKABEiSOFT2, as well as their illustrator, Alpha!
Alpha is the primary illustrator for the AKABEiSOFT2 brand, doing illustrations on many games such as Devil on a G-String, Sharin no Kuni Himawari no Shoujo, and World Love Organization. She’s also still quite active in her doujin circle, Alpha to Yukai na Nakamatachi, as well.
Also joining us is the president of Clochette!
You can see information on the various guest companies in this post.
Bamboo Bounces Back
In a week where illness knocked out the man with the MangaGamer plan, our fearless leader Bamboo delayed his second livechat for a day. As Kouryuu and Evospace took their places to translate with a boost from Shini and livetweets from Agi, would they be able to face the otaku hoards? Find out after the cut. Continue reading
Tester's Corner: Kara no Shoujo Ed. Extra
At first we only had Tim’s Corner, so I decided to step up to the plate and write a little something myself as well. Now, with the trial out and only 9 days left before the game goes on sale, enjoy our final corner. Continue reading
Anime Expo 2011-Goodies
So, with Anime Expo drawing near, I’m sure you’re all wondering how much your wallets will be hurting, so we’d like to help you plan for financial ruin in advance by showing you some of the goods we’ll have to offer in addition to our new hard copies. Continue reading
Anime Expo 2011 – Guests
Now it’s time to reveal what you’ve all been waiting to hear about: the guests who will be joining us! Continue reading