For those who couldn’t make it to AX for the Live Concerts, those who couldn’t catch the Live Streams, and those who simply want to watch them again–We now have the footage of the first live concert up on our Youtube Channel in full 1080p HD stream!
Guilty ~The SiN~ Opening Movie Lyrics
I actually really like this movie and the song for it’s classic sound myself, so here’s the lyrics. Continue reading
Struggling with the Demons…
In our last post, we introduced you all to the basics of Guilty ~The Sin~. This time, we’re going to talk a bit about the translation, specifically three items of note… Continue reading
Feeling Guilty
I generally believe that if I have fun working on a game, it’s going to be fun to play. And as anyone who follows my twitter knows, I’ve enjoyed the hell out of editing the subject of this post. We’ve mentioned this game a couple times before in passing, but I thought it was about time to give you all a proper introduction to Zaishuu (aka Guilty) ~The Sin~. Continue reading
Otakon 2010-Prelude
Alright! So it’s finally time to reveal some of the great stuff we’ll be offering all of you visiting us at Otakon! (Forgive my unprofessional photography) Continue reading
What The?!
I just had a shocking revelation about Koihime Musou…… Continue reading
Anime Expo Gallery
Finally got around to transferring my photos, so here’s some AX 2010 photos for you all to enjoy! ……I apologize now for not being a very good cameraman. (Now supplemented by pictures from my friend who joined me.) Continue reading
Higurashi, Matsuribayashi-hen
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce the upcoming release of Higurashi: Matsuribayashi-hen, available on July 15th. Matsuribayashi-hen marks the 8th and final chapter in the Higurashi series. All the players and all the pieces have finally been arranged. This will be the end one way or another, but will it be the end Rika and the others seek? Or will it be the end they’re struggling so hard to prevent? Continue reading
Name the Mascot
So it came to my attention that our mascot is currently without a name. So, I thought this would be a good chance to try and come up with a name while we were all out at dinner during Anime Expo. However, we had to leave before a decision was reached. As such, I thought I’d open the floor to the rest of you as well! Continue reading
Mangagamer Pride Reminder…
Hey everybody!
So, in most civilised parts of the world, June is Pride month. While it’s rather odd for a company that’s all about the titty porn to bring up gay rights, it’s something that comes up in our games quite a bit, and usually in a negative light. Continue reading