Next up, is Nitta Aki.
Nagase Sayaka
Aizawa Ryouta
Higurashi Banners
How is everyone doing on Higurashi? I’m imagining people are on Winter Break now with more time to play. I’m glad to hear some people are actually enjoying the new BGMs more than the original. I’m already starting on checking Higurashi Kai here and there.
I uploaded a few web banners for Higurashi in case you want to show support to our release. It would be appreciated!
I’ll try answer a few questions while I’m here…
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Morisaki Nao
Aizawa Shuuhei
I thought I’d write up a bit more detailed character intro for some of the Soul Link characters before its upcoming release. First up, is Aizawa Shuuhei.
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About the release of Higurashi
I thought it was important to inform our customers about the upcoming release of Higurashi When They Cry.
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Soul Link Will Not Be Censored
After a lengthy and heated discussion, we have decided to release Soul Link and Higurashi uncensored with all CGs intact.
Soul Link Opening Movie Translations
Since the opening movie for Soul Link is already available for free download on the main website, I’d like to take the time to post translations for the lyrics and other lines that show up in the movie. The theme song is “Not Found” by Uchiya Nao.
Higurashi Give Away
As some of you may know already, MangaGamer has given AnimeNewsNetwork 5 copies of our Higurashi release to give away. This offer is available to all new members who signed up today or choose to sign up before the contest ends on December 10th, 11:59PM Eastern Time. The copies given away will be of the official release which contains all 4 question arcs: Onikakushi, Watanagashi, Tatarigoroshi, and Himatsubushi. For those of you who do not win the contest or are too young to enter the contest, the game will also be available for purchase on December 15th for 36.95 Euros.