Higurashi When They Cry Question Arc Sale!

It’s the spookiest time of the year – a time when the end of summer brings mysterious voices on the wind, shadows stalking your every step, and nights full of screams and fright. Yet even more nights of horror await as the brand-new Higurashi anime, Higurashi When They Cry – New, begins its tale of suspicion and fear! 

Here at MangaGamer, we hope old fans will take the time to enjoy this new rendition of our classic story, and in honor of its debut we’d like to welcome new fans to the series with a special offer of 50% off the first four arcs – the Question Arcs covered in this season’s anime – from now until October 15th on our website and Steam!

Enjoy an old tale woven anew or enjoy the original haunt – it’s up to you. Terrors await in both, it’s true!

Chapter 1 – MG | Steam
Chapter 2 – MG | Steam
Chapter 3 – MG | Steam
Chapter 4 – MG | Steam
Question Arc Bundle – MG
Hou Bundle – Steam

The House in Fata Morgana Italian Edition — On Sale Now!

Hello, everyone! Starting today, you can now play The House in Fata Morgana in Italian! To celebrate the release, you can purchase your copy on MangaGamer or Steam for 50% off!

Buongiorno! A partire da oggi, potete giocare a The House in Fata Morgana in italiano! Potete trovare la versione italiana su MangaGamer e Steam. Inoltre, per celebrare il lancio della versione italiana, metteremo in vendita il gioco con uno sconto del 50%!

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2020 Licensing Survey Results

Hello again, friends! We know these have been long overdue, but with the disruption to con season this year, things have been a little out of sorts. If you’ve been following long on our Twitter, you’ve already seen the top 10 license suggestions for the year, but we’re going to be going over it again in case you haven’t, along with a brief discussion of some of the other data from this year’s survey!

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Bokuten Back On Steam!

As some of you may already be aware, on July 28th, Valve suddenly removed Bokuten Why I Became an Angel from the Steam storefront for false, invalid reasons. However, thanks to the support this title received from fans and the community, Valve was willing to meet with us and discuss the matter.

After further investigation from both sides, a valid issue with the previous Steam build of Bokuten was discovered and corrected, so now the title is back on Steam for everyone to enjoy!

So to thank you all for your support and to celebrate the return of Bokuten to Steam, we’re putting the title on sale for 50% off! MangaGamer customers can get their copy at a discount right now, while Steam customers can take advantage of the sale starting tomorrow, August 5th, at 1PM EDT!

The discount will last on MangaGamer and Steam until August 18th, so come take advantage and experience this deep, heart-aching tale of love for yourself!

Sale times:
MangaGamer: 8/4 10PM EDT – 8/18 Midnight EDT
Steam: 8/5 1PM EDT – 8/18 1PM EDT

Hinamizawa Virus Bundle!

Starting today, we will be hosting a unique campaign here at MangaGamer──The Hinamizawa Virus Bundle──for those struggling with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The tale of Higurashi When They Cry is one about a group of people banding together to face the threat of a mysterious virus that endangers their village.

For this campaign, the first chapter of Higurashi When They Cry will be made free-to-own on MangaGamer.com and Steam until an effective vaccine for COVID-19 is discovered. We will also be making chapters two through four available at 75% off until Tuesday, July 14th.

Lastly, if you have not yet purchased the Question Arc bundle on our website, you can get it at an equivalently discounted price on our website until Tuesday, July 14th!

If you’re looking for a way to pass the time while staying at home, then there’s never been a better chance to try out this renowned masterpiece!