An Introduction to Free Friends 2


Kaito, the newest student teacher at Minatohashi Higashi Academy, has a vice. Unable and unwilling to form meaningful, intimate relationships with other people, he instead satiates his need for intimacy through compensated dating. In order to feed this habit, he uses a message board known as Free Friends. Through its services, he can make the necessary arrangements and appointments with the various girls who also use the site, mainly students running away from home or simply in need of extra income.

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An Introduction to A Kiss for the Petals

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We have some introductory comments from A Kiss For The Petals‘ translator, Ralen, today:

I’m very excited to be able to talk about A Kiss For The Petals – Remembering How We Met.  The English localization of this visual novel is a very big milestone, in more ways than one.  Not only is it the first official English release in the A Kiss For The Petals series (known in Japan as Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo, or SonoHana for short), but it is the culmination of several years of effort to bring this series to the west, and my personal debut as a professional translator. Continue reading