Hello, everyone! Kaitsu here again as the editor for The Spirit Master of Retarnia ~Conqueror of the Labyrinth~. If you haven’t already read the translator’s corner, you can check it out here.
Let’s get started, shall we? 😉
Hello, everyone! Kaitsu here again as the editor for The Spirit Master of Retarnia ~Conqueror of the Labyrinth~. If you haven’t already read the translator’s corner, you can check it out here.
Let’s get started, shall we? 😉
Everyone expects a certain level of PR hype from a blog post like this, right? After all, editing the translation for this game has been my job for close to a year now — I have a pretty significant professional investment in getting people excited for it. Continue reading
Princess Evangile W Happiness is almost here! In this second blog post, we will examine some of the game mechanics and the five brand-new character routes.
[This post contains minor spoilers.]
Princess Evangile W Happiness is almost here! In this first blog post, we will examine some of the game mechanics and the four epilogue routes.
[This post contains minor spoilers.]
Greetings everyone, my name is EldritchCherub and I’m here to discuss my experience while working on D.S. Dal Segno. Continue reading
Hey there! I’m shaku-tan, an editor here at MG. I wanted to talk to you a little today about the game I worked on, Sweet Young Bride, and how we handled localizing euphemisms. Continue reading
Hey there! I’m Balistafreak, the editor of Kuroinu, and in the next part of my editor’s corner, I’d like to talk about a particularly important aspect of story writing: names.
Balistafreak would like to give you a short overview of the erotica you can expect to see in Kuroinu Ch. 1!
We begin this four part series with a short introduction to the world and characters of Kuroinu!