Starting today, we will be hosting a unique campaign here at MangaGamer──The Hinamizawa Virus Bundle──for those struggling with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The tale of Higurashi When They Cry is one about a group of people banding together to face the threat of a mysterious virus that endangers their village.
For this campaign, the first chapter of Higurashi When They Cry will be made free-to-own on MangaGamer.com and Steam until an effective vaccine for COVID-19 is discovered. We will also be making chapters two through four available at 75% off until Tuesday, July 14th.
Lastly, if you have not yet purchased the Question Arc bundle on our website, you can get it at an equivalently discounted price on our website until Tuesday, July 14th!
If you’re looking for a way to pass the time while staying at home, then there’s never been a better chance to try out this renowned masterpiece!