Hot off our panel at Anime Boston, we have our first set of announcements for the year!
Tag: Imouto Paradise
Women’s History Month – MILK Interview
Welcome to our fourth and final installment of our Women’s History Month interview series! If you missed our previous three installments, go check them out: Localization Staff Interview, Shigeo Hamashima Interview, Yuka Kayura Interview.
For anyone who may be unfamiliar with Women’s History Month, it’s celebrated in the US, UK and Australia during the month of March to bring attention to the contributions of women in our society. So, in the spirit of Women’s History Month, we decided it’d be a good opportunity to highlight some women creators among our eroge partners and let them tell us about themselves and their work.
This week, we talked to MILK, singer of Imouto Paradise‘s opening theme.
Imouto Paradise Hardcopies
At long last, they’re here! The oft-request hard-copies of Imouto Paradise are now available for pre-order! Copies ship out on March 16th, so order your copy today! Continue reading
Look Back at 2014
This past year has been pretty eventful here at MangaGamer, so let’s take a look! Continue reading
Tester’s Corner: ImoPara Ed. Vol. 2
Imouto Paradise 1.04 Patch
We are proud to announce the release of the Imouto Paradise 1.04 patch! The patch addresses the following issues:
- – Somehow, another mosaic has been found, this time covering the tightly clenched anus of the protagonist as his sister gives him a simultaneous rimjob and hand job. This kind of mistake clearly cannot stand, so we’ve rushed to have the issue fixed and deliver a patch to you.
- – Some additional minor text adjustments were made.
- – (1.03 fix) Fixed a script regression issue with the 1.02 patch with one of Aya’s scenes where text wasn’t displaying correctly.
- – (1.04 fix) Made some more minor text changes.
You can download the patch here, and will be pre-patched on any full downloads of the game after today. This patch also includes all the fixes from the previous patch. Simply extract the zip file into your game folder to install the patch.
Imouto Paradise 1.01 Patch
A patch for Imouto Paradise was prepared to address several concerns that have been reported by users. The list of fixes are as follows:
- – Several users have expressed dismay in finding that Hiyori’s anus is partially obscured by mosaic during her spanking/anal beads/incontinence scene. We apologize for the inconvenience and have restored her anus to its former unaltered glory. Additional staff will be used in the future to verify anus visibility in all CG.
- – The undocumented aspect ratio dialog that we didn’t even know existed (accessible via ctrl+t while in game) now has English text. Do note that this feature is unsupported and may cause weird issues when playing!
- – Various typos and minor text issues have also been corrected.
You can download the patch HERE. To install, simply extract the zip file into your Imouto Paradise folder. As per usual, any downloads going forward after today should have the patch already applied.
Tester’s Corner: ImoPara Ed. Vol 1
For my first beta test with MangaGamer I was asked whether I wanted to do a moe nukige or a dark nukige, and I think you all can guess which one this is. Continue reading
Translator's Corner: Imouto Paradise!
It’s fine time we had another Translator’s Corner article. This time around, we’ll be talking about the translation of Imouto Paradise! and all the fun that entailed.
Imouto Paradise
Today we at MangaGamer are proud to announce the release of Imouto Paradise! Come get your little sisters now, Onii-chan! Continue reading