It’s that time again. Time, that is, for Kouryuu to demand some extra content for the blog, and therefore time for me to write a few hundred words on something I worked on a few months ago. Fortunately for him, Kara no Shoujo is awesome enough that I’d have done it anyways. Continue reading
Tag: Innocent Grey
Tester's Corner: Kara no Shoujo Ed. Vol 2
After seeing Tim’s bravery, RS has decided to offer us up a few brief words on his experience. Continue reading
Tester's Corner: Kara no Shoujo Ed. Vol 1
Today we bring you a Tester’s Corner from Tim, the only man brave enough to shed even a little light on his experience with the horrors and mysteries that lurk behind Kara no Shoujo. Continue reading
Bamboo's Livechat!
Hey everybody! So last night (or very early this morning if you’re European…), MG’s awesome Japanese producer bamboo came on ustream to talk to foreign fans. For those of you who missed it, here are some of the things which were discussed. Remember to thank Evospace, Kouryuu, Agi, and Shini for their help in translating, organising the event, moderating chat, and so on. Continue reading
Kara no Shoujo Changes
While the folks at Gungnir/Innocent Grey have been very receptive and cooperative during the entire process, even voicing their hopes to be able to release more of their catalog to a western audience, there were several unavoidable changes that had to be made as a result of technical issues and pre-existing license agreements which we will discuss today. Continue reading
Announcing: Kara no Shoujo
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”~Dante’s Inferno
For those who want something different from moe, school romances; for those who enjoy the thrill of unraveling a dark mystery; for those who wish to taste the depths of despair as you try to stop a psychotic murderer; we at MangaGamer are proud to present Kara no Shoujo.
Verily, the journey is wrought with death and suffering. You must descend into frozen darkness so deep as to emerge on the other side if you are to gaze upon that sublime sky studded with stars.
Inquisition into Tragedy
Many decades ago, the world was still recovering from its darkest time. Driven mad by the darkness, one took up a holy crusade to bring light to the heathens in his land, his eyes blind to the darkness of the very sins he wrought…
“This miserable state is borne by the wretched souls of those who lived without disgrace yet without praise… Is it this?”