Tester’s Corner: eden* Ed. Vol 4


I was really excited to test eden* after reading a few reviews that set some pretty high expectations. But did it live up to them? The main focus of this game is of course the story and it delivers very well on that front. The genre is essentially an apocalyptic sci-fi romance story. In the interest of avoiding spoilers, I won’t say anything beyond that about the actual events of the game and instead just talk about my impressions in a more general sense. Continue reading

Look Back at 2014


This past year has been pretty eventful here at MangaGamer, so let’s take a look! Continue reading

eden* – Introductions

Island ShotLooks like it’s that time again: time to talk about a new title! I suspect anyone that’s been following us for a while has expected/anticipated this one ever since “ef – the first tale” was announced. Well, your wait is almost over! eden* will be out soon, and today, I’m going to introduce you to the plot and a good chunk of the main characters!
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