The-O Network's AX 2011 Interviews

For those not following our Twitter account, our friends at The-O Network interviewed several of our guests at AX 2011 this year. Since the final interview went up today, here’s a post listing them all for those who haven’t yet read them.

Interview #1: OVERDRIVE’s artist, Katakura Shinji
Interview #2: Debonosu Works’ president & artist, Yamamoto Kazue
Interview #3: Akabeisoft2’s artist, Alpha

As per usual, feel free to leave any comments about the interviews here.

Bamboo's Livechat!

"I raik oppai!"

Hey everybody! So last night (or very early this morning if you’re European…), MG’s awesome Japanese producer bamboo came on ustream to talk to foreign fans. For those of you who missed it, here are some of the things which were discussed. Remember to thank Evospace, Kouryuu, Agi, and Shini for their help in translating, organising the event, moderating chat, and so on. Continue reading