Tester’s Corner: Amber Breaker Ed. Vol 3


Today we have another Tester’s Corner for Amber Breaker!

Amber Breaker is a short and to the point nukige with little fluff or background to delay the sex scenes. And when I say little, our heroine Amber is already in the grasp of a horny purple people eater the second the VN starts.

Barely in the door and her effort to rescue her sisters is already going south. Of the belt.

Barely in the door and her effort to rescue her sisters is already going south. Of the belt.

Actual art quality varies. While heads suffer from odd proportions and strange perspective failures here and there, the artist is much better dealing with big, perky boobs and a small menagerie of tentacles.

Big, monster-sized handfuls.

Big, monster-sized handfuls.

The music is pretty nondescript –outside of a single, fairly decent sweeping arrangement– but suffers from jarring non-transitions between a couple tracks. Maybe it’s just because I don’t care for high-pitched voices, but I found Amber’s voice a tad grating, and it went to some pretty strange places as the game went on. Lapis’s voice was much more pleasant, and in another life where I was a bigger fan of this corner of the genre I may have even gone back to the last game to hear more of it.

I can't pretend tentacles corkscrewing my anus would rip much better sounds from my own mouth.

I can’t pretend tentacles corkscrewing my anus would rip much better sounds from my own mouth.

Don’t have a lot of time to spend on actual plot and just want to get right down to the tentacles and mind break? Amber Breaker may just be up for your consideration.

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  1. I really liked Amber Breaker. The translation was actually good (earlier installments suffered from average language) and the scenario was super juicy. The whole pouring of vaginal fluids on her face was my favorite.

    I have to mention though, the abrupt ending was a pretty nonchalant franchise conclusion. 😛

  2. Short answer is: If you liked the previous two games in the series (Ruby Striker and Lapis Gunner), you’re going to want this one to finish the set.

    MorningStar was never really known for having real endings for their nukige though (I can’t really think of one that had a satisfactory ending, but the scenes leading up to what they called an ending were great), but anybody who has been around for a while would realize that~.

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