The animated and fully uncensored third installment of Guilty’s Nightmare series, Nightmare x Vampire – Inferno of Retribution, is now available! Pick it up on the MangaGamer store during launch week to save 10%!
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Nightmare x Vampire Now Available for Pre-order!
The animated and fully uncensored Nightmare x Vampire from Guilty is now available for pre-order for 10% off! The game releases October 19th, just in time for Halloween!
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Starting today, we’re hosting a special Threesome & Orgy Sale! Get up to 50% off select products until June 21st!
Sale Period:
Wednesday, June 7th 9PM PT / Thursday, June 8th 12AM ET
Wednesday, June 21st 9PM PT / Thursday, June 22nd 12AM ET
Anime Central Announcements!
A big thank you to everyone who attended our panel at Anime Central this year! We’ll be in the dealer’s hall all weekend, so be sure to stop by the booth if you’re at the con! Read on for a recap of the announcements:
Continue readingSiblings Day Sale!
Did you know April 10th is Siblings Day in United States and Canada? To celebrate the occasion, we’re hosting a limited-time sale on products with siblings!
Get up to 60% off select products until April 16th!
Sale Period:
Sunday, April 9th 9PM PT / Monday, April 10th 12AM ET
Sunday, April 16th 9PM PT / Monday, April 17th 12AM ET
Nightmare x Onmyoji – Paradox of Forbiddance –– Now Available!
The next installment of Guilty’s Nightmare series, Nightmare x Onmyoji – Paradox of Forbiddance, is now available!
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The next installment of Guilty’s Nightmare series, Nightmare x Onmyoji – Paradox of Forbiddance is now available for pre-order! Pick it up before it releases on March 23rd to save 10%!
Continue readingAnime NYC Announcements!
First off a big thank you to everyone who attended our last event of the year! Without further ado let’s get into what you’re all really waiting for: the licensing announcements!
Continue readingNightmare x Sisters –– Now Available!
The animated and fully uncensored Nightmare x Sisters – Sacrifice of Lust Hell from Guilty is now available for purchase!
Continue readingNightmare x Sisters –– Now Available for Pre-order!
The animated and fully uncensored Nightmare x Sisters – Sacrifice of Lust Hell from Guilty is now available for pre-order! Order before it releases on November 17th and save 10%!
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