Tonight, Bamboo joined us all for another of his (in?)famous live chats, joined by Tamiyasu Tomoe (aka TAMMY), the voice actress who played Yayoi in DEARDROPS and Rin in Little Busters! Continue reading
Category: Livechat
Bamboo Livechat #3
Once again, our great hero Bamboo has set about livechatting with the fans again. And once again our almost as great heroes Kouryuu, Shinikenshi, Agi, and of course Evospace came through on translation duties.
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Bamboo Bounces Back
In a week where illness knocked out the man with the MangaGamer plan, our fearless leader Bamboo delayed his second livechat for a day. As Kouryuu and Evospace took their places to translate with a boost from Shini and livetweets from Agi, would they be able to face the otaku hoards? Find out after the cut. Continue reading
Bamboo's Livechat!
Hey everybody! So last night (or very early this morning if you’re European…), MG’s awesome Japanese producer bamboo came on ustream to talk to foreign fans. For those of you who missed it, here are some of the things which were discussed. Remember to thank Evospace, Kouryuu, Agi, and Shini for their help in translating, organising the event, moderating chat, and so on. Continue reading