First off, a big thank you to everyone who participated this year! Let’s cut right to the results we know you’re all waiting for:
Continue readingFirst off, a big thank you to everyone who participated this year! Let’s cut right to the results we know you’re all waiting for:
Continue readingThe survey results are in! First off, we’d like to thank everyone for participating in the survey again this year. Your input is invaluable to us and our staff truly appreciate all the kind words you had for us too. Now onto the results: Continue reading
It’s time for the post I’m sure a few of you have been waiting for: the licensing survey results! Apologies for the wait, it has been a busy few weeks here as of late. We’d like to extend another round of thanks to the nearly 8000 people who responded this year. Continue reading
Once again, our great hero Bamboo has set about livechatting with the fans again. And once again our almost as great heroes Kouryuu, Shinikenshi, Agi, and of course Evospace came through on translation duties.
Many decades ago, the world was still recovering from its darkest time. Driven mad by the darkness, one took up a holy crusade to bring light to the heathens in his land, his eyes blind to the darkness of the very sins he wrought…
“This miserable state is borne by the wretched souls of those who lived without disgrace yet without praise… Is it this?”
Tomorrow could possibly be an even better day than today. Continue reading
Cherry blossoms danced in the air,
Surprisingly slowly,
Without making a sound.
It’s come to my attention that many might be getting stuck or are requesting a walk-through for Soul Link. Personally, I know exactly what you mean. There is one part of the game that took me forever to get past as well. So, when you get to the section of Chapter 1 in which you have 20 passes to traverse the Sheratan, I do hope you’ll try it yourself first. Various combinations of choices produce different text results. However, if you get stuck and absolutely need help, here’s the set of choices that got me through it.