Spend VNtines with MangaGamer this year by picking up some of our sweetest romance titles for an equally sweet discount!
Continue readingSpend VNtines with MangaGamer this year by picking up some of our sweetest romance titles for an equally sweet discount!
Continue readingToday, for the next 27hrs, we’re offering a special VNtines Day Sale with up to 50% off on select titles from our catalog, as well as a special giveaway offer! Click below for more details! Continue reading
We here at MangaGamer are proud to announce our Moe Day Sale!
This sale has now ended.
Today we’re proud to announce the start of our Holiday Sale! Starting from now until December 28th, everything in our catalog is 20% off*!
Come get a new game like Da Capo 2 or ef – the first tale. and enjoy warm, cozy nights with a cute girl at your side! Or cuddle up by the fire with a great story like DEARDROPS and Dengeki Stryker! Buy a few copies for your friends! Or come by after opening your presents to put that Christmas money to good use!
Everything’s on sale, so there’s never been a better time to buy all those games you’ve been holding off on!
*”Slave Witch April” and “Which girl should I choose?” are excluded from the sale
School’s out, and summer is here! What does that mean? A brand new sale for you! Continue reading
They say that January is the hardest month to get through: post-holiday depression, bad weather (we got like six inches snow here in Seattle. WTF?), little daylight, and a groggy sense of returning to the real world after a month where it seems everybody but you had at least two weeks off. And then there’s been the recent Animepocalypse where it seems like the US industry is hitting another particularly rough patch. It doesn’t really make you chatty, does it? Since we’ve largely been toiling away in silence, here’s a look at what’s been going on since recovering from our New Year’s hangovers. Continue reading
So, with 2011 coming to a close and 2012 soon upon us, we thought we’d offer a look at where things stand and what lies ahead! Continue reading
As we mentioned last month, there’s some new hard-copies on the horizon, and today we’re announcing what they are! Continue reading
Today’s Tester’s Corner comes from Vodka! Continue reading
Today’s Tester’s Corner comes from duo! Continue reading