Are you ready to head back to Japan? Join Kaitsu as we dive into the newest addition to the Go! Go! Nippon family, Go! Go! Nippon 2016!
Hi there, everyone! I hope you guys are as excited about Go! Go! Nippon 2016 as I am. Today, I’m going to share with you the newest updates, features, and locations in OVERDRIVE’s recent expansion to this fun and educational adventure.
If you’ve been living under a rock since the initial release of Go! Go! Nippon! (hereafter referred to as “GGN”), there have been a number of changes made to better improve your simulated Japanese adventure. This includes script improvements, map selection, Google Maps functionality, sightseeing album, CG gallery, scene replay, e-mote system, and wallet system. Impressive, huh? Now sit back, relax, and let’s get started!
The slideshow below shows the transition from the original 2011 release, to GGN 2015, to GGN 2016. Originally, the reader could only select a location by clicking on the text on the left-hand side of the screen. With GGN2016, the text select has been removed entirely, and now you can roll your mouse over a location of your choice, making for a more interactive experience.
As seen in the last image in the slideshow, you can now see who your tour guide will be before you select a particular location. This is a new feature to GGN2016, so you just roll your mouse over the icon, and their character sprite, along with a short blurb about that location, will appear. You have the option of visiting some of these locations with either Makoto or Akira, and even as a group!

Heading to Nakano!
With the GGN2015, a Google Maps functionality was added to the game that allowed you to actually see where our dear MC-kun and his adorable tour guide were visiting. You simply click the “Google Map” button in the top left-hand corner and it will open your browser of choice, immediately directing you to that spot in Japan. In this instance, we’re visiting Nakano, a new location added in GGN2016. This functionality works for any location you happen to visit during your stay in Japan.

Sightseeing Album
The extras menu has been flushed out quite a bit since the original release, now with even more location entries than before (I would certainly hope so)! If you didn’t know this feature existed, the Sightseeing Album can be accessed from the “Extra’s” menu. While in the Sightseeing Album, the tabs on the left-hand side of the screen allow you to learn more about the locations you visited with either Makoto or Akira. Each tab specifically notes which place you visited (and sub locations if your mouse remains on the tab). This album is similar to that of a travel log, but a bit more informative and educational. It’s written from a first person perspective, so it’s like you’re looking over your own travel log!
This is the CG Gallery, and you can access it from the Extra’s menu (or from the Scene Replay and Sightseeing Album). Here, you can view all of the CG you have unlocked from the original, GGN2015, and GGN2016 releases. Looks like I’ve got one missing! I should fix that…
Between the original GGN and GGN2015, you can unlock 25 unique CG. With GGN2016, you can unlock 11 more CG! Hurray for more Makoto goodness.
If you’ve never seen this before, this is the Scene Replay menu. You can access it from the Extra’s menu, or from either the CG Gallery and Sightseeing Album. From here, you can quickly look back on every event, location, and scene you’ve unlocked. Day and time of day are also noted on some listings. This information is relevant for some scenes, especially toward the end of your trip.
You can also adjust the Exchange Rate and main/sub text languages. These changes will be reflected only in the text and UI from the scene replay menu, and do not carry over into your new or saved games.
GGN originally utilized static sprites and basic animations. While this was a great way to start things off, OVERDRIVE wanted to do more with their later expansions. Starting with GGN2015, the E-MOTE system was implemented into the game. This allowed Makoto and Akira to be far more expressive than they were previously, which creates a new level of immersion for GGN. They can blink, breathe, and their mouths even move during conversation. Unfortunately, while the characters themselves aren’t as crisp as their previous sprites, I’ll take the e-mote system any day! Mmm. Makoto. I should poke someone to add the ‘P’ key function…

Wallet functionality!
Next, the wallet function! This is a new feature for Go! Go! Nippon, and while it may just be a simple drop-down menu, it’s actually a very handy tool! The wallet lists your expenses for the day, your total expenses for your entire trip (minus your flight), the current exchange rate you entered at the start of the game, and your most recent purchases. As you can see, I’ve spent less than $20 USD on train fare, entry fees, and various food products. A similar function is available if you right-click the game window, but it doesn’t list everything in detail (simply the rate, daily, and total expenses).
I was really excited to see this new feature, since I often forgot how much money I had spent over the course of a day (and overall), so everything felt extremely expensive when it actually wasn’t that bad. I think the most money I spent over a single playthrough was around $200~$300, but that varied depending on which locations I and my adorable tour guide went to. It tends to be more expensive if you go with Akira, since she likes shoveling food in her mouth every chance she gets.
Last, but certainly not least, the new locations! I’d imagine from the map alone from the first section, you can venture a guess what has been added. If it’s not, GGN2016 added six new locations: Nakano, Rikugi-en, Yanaka, Ueno, Tokyo, Shibamata.
Like all of the other map locations, you learn a plethora of information, eat local foods, and spend some quality time with a tour guide of your choice. Some locations will trigger special events like Comic Mercato (play on Comiket), a fireworks festival, Makoto cosplaying, and the pair of sisters dressing up in some very cute outfits that you definitely don’t want to miss out on!
That’s it for now! I hope this post has been both fun and informative for you all! Please look forward to my and some of our beta tester’s comments on GGN2016 in the coming weeks.
See you next time! o\
Akira is best girl!
I’m quite sure the original released had Google Maps as well, specifically through the Show Photo button.
Yes, indeed it has.
Whoops! /0\
It was one of the features of the original I was most impressed by. Still, I do admit that the new button makes its function more clear.
What does the “p” key do in some visual novels? I guess it has something to do with poking…?
Think Nekopara. But in this game it would only work on Makoto.
One part I like about the 2011 more is the transparent textbox+colored text. 2016 has opaque boxes which cover up alot of the sprites and background and you can’t see who is speaking (…except from the label, and from the e-mote.. but still.)
Hi there!
You can actually adjust the transparency of the textbox via the options menu. I leave it opaque as a matter of preference, but you’re welcome to toggle it to your personal preference.
As you noticed, Overdrive opted for colored labels instead of colored text. Akira’s label is blue, the MC is green, Makoto is pink, and secondary characters are white. So there is consistency with that, at least.
This is not a nukige?
Nope. This is strictly an all-ages title~ 🙂
I’m glad that’s cleared up before my TC hit. =P