We’re now three days away from the official English release of A Kiss For the Petals: Maidens of Michael!
As a special treat, we’ll be counting down each day and showcasing each couple with their very own brief voice dramas!
Reo: Grr, Mai, you sex fiend! Pervert!
Mai: Reo, that’s awful! I’m not a sex fiend, or a pervert!
Reo: Hmph! A likely story.
Mai: Well then… Fine, even if I were, I would only be a lady called a pervert.*
Reo: That’s perverted enough. Geeze, Mai, you’re so sex crazy!
Reo: “A Kiss For the Petals – Maidens of Michael” comes out in three more days, you know!
*This line is a reference to something said by the perverted bear Kumakichi from the series Gag Manga Biyori. After being caught walking around with no pants on, and being accused of being a pervert, he says “I’m not a pervert. Even if I were, I would only be a gentleman called a pervert. If you’re going to call the police every single time something like this happens, I won’t even be able to take off my underwear in the bathroom or at home!” Because of this, to call someone a “gentleman” (紳士) online is to call them a pervert.
A Kiss For the Petals: Maidens of Michael is now available for pre-order! On sale February 22nd on MangaGamer.com and Steam!
A Kiss for the Petals – Risa-Miya Theater Episode 7 is missed from the Youtube list: