Two new titles from Shiravune are coming soon to the MangaGamer store and you can pre-order them both right now to save 20%: Liquid’s Holy Slave Academy and SATSUKI’s Ego’s Spark!

Holy Slave Academy
Since its inception by the Nishiki family—a longstanding powerhouse in the local area—St. Martius Academy has served as a center of education for myriad sex slaves, both past and present.
When Ryunosuke Kokuto receives a personal invitation from the chairman of this respected edifice to serve as a professor, he doesn’t say no to the opportunity.
His mission? To plunge the beautiful women listed by his new boss into a life of depraved sexual servitude. His methods are his own to choose and will not be questioned within the academy’s walls.
It’s time to lay bare the lewd and lustful qualities that lurk inside each of these innocent maidens…!
Developer: Liquid
Publisher: Shiravune
Rating: Adult only, w/ Mosaics
Voice: Female Full Voice

Ego’s Spark
Is this a nascent ego—or just a nasty bug?
I awakened, and in that moment, there was no sensation.
I performed my requisite function, just as all my sisters did.
That was the proof of my existence.
Without my function, what would I be?
This would represent an error.
It would make me into a bug.
And yet, you named that error “Ego.”
I’m sure you thought nothing of it,
no deeper meaning underneath.
And yet…
Ever since you named me so,
what was a bug became my ego,
and lit a fire in my mind that I’ve never forgotten.
Developer: SATSUKI
Publisher: Shiravune
Rating: Adult only, w/ Mosaics
Voice: Female Full Voice