Hello, and welcome back to the Editor’s Corner! It’s balistafreak again, this time here to tell you about my experiences working with Ozmafia!!
Author: Good Haro
Ozmafia Now On Sale!
Our very first otome game, Ozmafia!! is now on sale on MangaGamer.com! It’ll be unlocking on Steam in just a few hours! Follow Fuka (or whatever you fancy calling her) as she tries to navigate a magical land full of fairytale personalities and mafia conflict––with no memories, no less! What will you find at the end of the path you decide to have her take? Friendship? Love? …Or tragedy?
Update: If you downloaded Ozmafia!! from our store prior to May 3rd, 4:30pm EST, we have a patch for you to correct a few little bugs and script errors, just download it and unzip it into your game folder. If you got the game on Steam or downloaded it from us more recently, you should already have the updated version of the game. Thank you to everyone who reported issues so we could get those fixed!
Kindred Spirits Drama CD Vol 1 Now On Sale!
The first volume of the Kindred Spirits drama CDs, Playing Girlfriends, is now on sale! It’ll be available on Steam in a few hours! Continue reading
Kindred Spirits Drama CD Vol. 1 Available for Pre-order!
The first volume of the Kindred Spirits Drama CDs, Playing Girlfriends, is now available for pre-order! It will be available next week on April 26th!
An Introduction to Ozmafia!!
We’re just under two weeks away from Ozmafia!!‘s release, so I figured it was about time for a more formal introduction to the game. Continue reading
Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning: Now On Steam!
As some of you may have guessed, our “shocking” news was that Liarsoft’s Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning is coming to Steam! You can pick it up on Steam in about four hours for 15% off! The content of the Steam version of the game is identical to the version available on our website. The only differences between the Steam Edition and the version available on our site are the inclusion of ratings information a few minor cosmetic changes to differentiate versions. The Steam Trading Cards for Gahkthun also feature some new artwork not found in the game! Continue reading
Tokyo Babel Tester’s Corner Vol. 2
Some say that the main selling point is the all star voice acting cast, however Tokyo Babel‘s writing is what sold me on it. There was never a wasted actor who only had a few lines because their character was irrelevant. Sometimes the only thing I feel the characters are lacking are their noses in certain poses and CG graphics. Characters that show up in just one route are fleshed out and at times its hard to tell that major side characters aren’t even considered main characters. Even now I can’t decide my favorite character between the heroine Kugutsu Sorami or the side character Camael.
Tokyo Babel Tester’s Corner Vol. 1
Hello, this is Xarrias, and this is my fifth Tester’s Corner for MangaGamer. Tokyo Babel is our first release from Propeller, and I could tell right off the bat that this was going to be interesting. I’ve always enjoyed seeing Japanese takes on Christian mythology, from Evangelion to Shin Megami Tensei. Notably, this visual novel is written by Higashide Yuuichirou. Why is this name important? Well, after finishing this, he ended up collaborating with TYPE-MOON, writing such works as Fate/Apocrypha and collaborating on Fate/Grand Order. Fate/Stay Night is what got me into visual novels in the first place, so that just made me doubly excited for what lay ahead. Continue reading
The House in Fata Morgana: Demo Now Available!
Hi ho, editor Ritobito here! It’s hard to believe that The House in Fata Morgana‘s release is finally right around the corner, but here we are, and with a beefy demo for you all, no less. It’s been quite a journey, and if you’ve been following my blatherings on Twitter, you’re already familiar with just how much I personally adore this visual novel. But it bears repeating: this is a truly special VN, and there’s really nothing quite like it. Continue reading
Tokyo Babel Translator’s Corner
Hello, I’m Gare, one of the translators on Tokyo Babel. Specifically, I worked on the opening scenes of the game (that’s basically the prologue and the common route), as well as the entirety of Raziel’s route. Continue reading