Moe Day Sale and Some New Additions to Steam!

Happy Moeday friends! October 10th is Moeday because if you look at the kanji for “moe” 萌え it looks an awful lot like it’s made up of the characters for the date 十月十日 or 10/10. Fun, huh? To celebrate we have a sale going on all week with a selection of titles to appeal to a variety of types of moe! Check it out here!

But that’s not it! We have something a little extra special this year: three additions to our Steam catalogue––Plus+MOSAIC DLC for eden*, (free) adult DLC for Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome, and Alicesoft’s Evenicle fully uncut! Continue reading

2016 Moe Day Flash Sale!


Moe Day is a fun little ‘holiday’ to celebrate all things moe! The date derives from Japanese wordplay—October 10th written in Japanese characters is 十月十日 and the character for moe is . If you take a close look at the character for moe you’ll notice that it’s made up of the same components as the characters for October 10th! So in honor of the holiday, we’re putting a sizeable chunk of our catalogue on sale for 36 hours! Continue reading