Jisei & Kansei

We’re proud to announce the addition of another OEL Visual Novel to our line up–Jisei and Kansei by Sake Visual.

Jisei and Kansei are both chapters in a series surrounding a mysterious boy capable of reliving the death of any corpse he touches.

The story begins with Jisei, when he finds himself suspected of a murder at a coffee shop and has to clear his name to avoid arrest. Solve the case by investigating the scene of the crime, interviewing the witnesses, and piecing together the clues as you try and figure out who’s telling the truth and who’s not.

The actual investigation system is similar to our own Kara no Shoujo or Phoenix Wright. You click around the rooms while searching for clues, and things you learn from your interviews get added to your notepad, but it’s up to you to discern which clues can be trusted.

Kansei is the second chapter in the series, and features a much larger cast of characters, some with their own unique abilities as well. Naturally, this means more suspects, more liars, and more ways for the mystery to turn.

The games are both a little short, but unlike most OEL VNs, the game is fully voiced with actors from popular anime and more.

The characters are brought out really well, and the mysteries are interesting to solve, so pick it up and give a try. If your a fan of mysteries, you’re sure to enjoy it.

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  1. Ok, this OELVN I can understand grabbing. And at $25 a bundle, it is cheaper than buying them separately (if only by $5), which I had already planned on doing. They definitely seem more worth it when bought together.

    Yeah, I can get this. In fact, I think I will.

  2. Guess I’ll get this when my next paycheck comes in

  3. Looks interesting, will you also release the third episode in this series?

    If Mangagamer plans to expand in quality oel visual novels I really reccomend contacting the Zelva team for Train of Afterlife and the upcoming Area X. http://www.zeiva.net/ Zelva should be an affiliate developer to Jisei’s Sakevisual, too.

    Another really promising oelvn is Cradle Song from Dischan Media, the demo is already longer than most oelvns out there and the production values and art direction are really good. http://cradle-song.com/characters.php?character=4

  4. Nintendo Maniac 64

    You can clearly tell it’s western-made because the vertical resolution is actually larger than 600 pixels. 😛

    • Actually almost all new Japanese VNs are 1280×720 and have been for a couple of years now. Though it’s true that very few companies made the jump to 1024×768 in between 800×600 and that. (not knocking MangaGamer for not having any of those, though, of course! It is a very recent trend.)

  5. Ooh, it’s really exciting to see this. Sakevisual are great – Deji’s artwork is particularly awesome – and from what I’ve heard before, this is by all accounts a very good series. Sounds like a great time to pick it up – I get to support Mangagamer and Sakevisual at the same time! (And get a pair of really interesting OELVNs into the bargain :3 🙂 )

  6. Seeing how it is all-age VNs, can you bring it to the Desu~ra as well? In absence of dedicated VL-serving digital distribution platform, and rather hard-to-penetrate barriers of Steam, said Desura is one of more convenient ways to get one’s digital fun.

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