Valkyrie Svia – Introduction


Hello to all our nukige fans out there! Today, we’re going to introduce you to the upcoming title Valkyrie Svia.

Ask yourself, do you like Norse Mythology? Titles with a dark overtone? Lots and lots of naughty time? Then read no further, just go preorder it now! For those of you not already sold on the idea, Valkyrie Svia follows (who would have guessed) Svia and Sigurd, who protect the keys to the floodgates to the River of Wisdom which feeds Yggdrasil: the tree which acts as the support for the entire world. They just happen to have the keys… in their wombs. You read that right: this is going to be a fun time!

Yup, when creatures like this are a main character, you know you're in for a ride.

Yup, when creatures like this are a main character, you know you’re in for a ride. Doesn’t he look happy?

When Odin gets captured, they must make sure those keys don’t fall into the wrong hands… even if it means the end of the world. Our villains (depending on how you look at it!) want to get those keys back, mostly to conquer the world, but also so all life doesn’t cease to exist! But, forcing the keys out, or outright killing the valkyries would render the keys destroyed… They can only be released safely and in tact of their holder’s own will. So, how do you corrupt the soldiers of the Divine Forces enough that they would willingly hand over that which they’ve been tasked with guarding? You read the part where I said this was a nukige, right? Right?! I’m sure you did!

I foreshadowed the naughty time, you should have seen it coming!

I foreshadowed the naughty time, you should have seen it coming!

Look forward to the game’s release on January 24th!

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  1. Oh the Thor movie jokes I’m going to be dropping when I play this 🙂

  2. It is a surprise to spot a Valkyrie wearing such lewd modern pantsu

  3. Too bad this is a nukige – the artwork and the characters look amazing.

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