Order your copy today while supplies last to grab the Limited Edition album featuring vocal tracks from Masaaki Endoh, AiRI, and more!
You have actually managed to make me consider getting this. Will see whether I have the money, buying my own home has made the monetary situation a bit more tricky for the next few years. Will probably get around to this one sooner or later, though.
Oh, those came sooner than expected. I guess I can revert to my original plan of getting Cho, ef and DMC in one shipment then.
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You have actually managed to make me consider getting this. Will see whether I have the money, buying my own home has made the monetary situation a bit more tricky for the next few years. Will probably get around to this one sooner or later, though.
Oh, those came sooner than expected. I guess I can revert to my original plan of getting Cho, ef and DMC in one shipment then.