Today’s spotlight title for the Twelve Days of Visual Novels: Go! Go! Nippon! 2015.
Amidst all the preparations and general craziness the holiday’s seem to bring, you might find yourself wanting to read, play, or watch something cute, fun, and dare I say… educational? Then look no further than Go! Go! Nippon 2015! If you’ve been living under a rock and have no idea what this cute little adventure game is all about, then put away those Christmas ornaments and pull up a chair! I’m gonna give you a brief run-down on Go! Go! Nippon!
You play as Anon-Kun, an otaku who travels to the anime motherland with the intention of staying with two bro’s named Makoto and Akira. Turns out, the internet isn’t filled with just men and you’re greeted by two cute girls at the airport instead! You get to spend your entire vacation with them… ALONE. This sounds like a certain nukige… Anyway, if you are into the tsundere, athletic type, you should definitely go after Akira. She’s fun, sweet, and really into the cosplay and anime-fandom. But if you’re like me, Makoto’s gentle, womanly nature will instantly slay you into submission. Her cooking skills might kill you before it gets that far, but it’ll totally be worth it. But hanging out with a pair of cute tour guides isn’t all GGN is about! You learn about all sorts of famous landmarks, buildings, and people during your trip. Oh, and GGN might have just as much food porn as a certain food-centric anime that came out earlier this year. So… much… food.
What did you think about Go! Go! Nippon 2015? Let us know in the comments or using the hashtag #12daysofVNs! Check back tomorrow for our next installment of the 12 Days of Visual Novels! (And don’t forget about our winter sale either!)
Pick up Go! Go! Nippon 2015 or any of our other major 2015 releases and earn triple MangaGamer points! 1 MG point = $0.01 that you can use to apply to future purchases (you can even pay for entire games in points!).
No, Thank You!!! (Limited Edition Hardcopy)
249pt –> 747pt!
Princess Evangile (Adult Ver.)
224pt –> 672pt!
Includes complimentary all-ages ver. Steam key
Higurashi Ch. 1: Onikakushi
29pt –> 87pt!
Higurashi Ch. 2: Watanagashi
74pt –> 117pt!
Includes complimentary Steam key
Free Friends
124pt –> 299pt!
Sweet Sweat in Summer
74pt –> 222pt!
A Kiss For The Petals: Remembering How We Met
39pt –> 95pt!
Includes complimentary Steam key
The Innocent Grey Bundle (Cartagra + Kara no Shojo)
299pt –> 897pt!