Greetings! While this is my first time testing Higurashi, I’m also the main editor on the series and have been since starting Watanagashi almost a year ago. Let me tell you, I’m grateful for the experience, because the thing about editing a game without having played the result is that no matter how good you are, there are things you’re going to miss. The longer the game, the more those errors increase exponentially… so it’s always good to take the chance to confirm what your efforts will look like in the final product. Expert advice from a professional here to all you prospective editor folks!
Higurashi is such a known quantity at this point that I have little insight to offer… I will say, however, that I once heard Ryuukishi07 has a background in social work, and there’s nothing better than the main thrust of Tatarigoroshi to make this clear. Satoko’s situation and the air of futility surrounding it all strikes me as something that would be difficult to write nearly as well without personal experience in dealing with something like that.
Indeed, this is the first time that I feel Higurashi reaches an emotional high of something other than stark terror; while still inevitably collapsing into madness and confusion as the other Question Arcs do, there’s an uncomfortable level of catharsis to the first-person depiction of retributive murder that simply can’t be denied.
Given how much it improves the quality of the product, I’ll be testing the remaining Higurashi arcs too! Look forward to hearing from me again next time for Chapter 4 – Himatsubushi!
You can pre-order Tatarigoroshi right now on! It’ll also be coming to Steam next week.
Teppei is more of a monster than anyone in Higurashi, and I’m saying this as someone who has read the entire thing.