We’ve been asked repeatedly to take pre-orders on our games, and now we can! As of today, our new pre-order system is live and you can get your order in for Magical Teacher, ‘shipping’ on April 13. These maraca-shaking MILF’s are just waiting for you to come inside, outside, and in ways you’ve never experienced before, so why not get your RSVP in now and pre-order Magical Teacher from MangaGamer.com? All pre-orders will get a 10% discount off the retail price!
Tester's Corner: DEARDROPS Ed. Vol. 3
As I sit here, eating pizza from last night, I think to myself, “Why didn’t I write this sooner?”
If you haven’t already noticed (and made your bank manager very happy at the same time), DEARDROPS is now on sale! This means that I should have written this Tester’s Corner about two weeks ago. Oops… Continue reading
Tester's Corner: DEARDROPS Ed. Vol. 2
Hello again! Kaitsu here again to bring you yet another tester’s corner, but this time for….
DEARDROPS! Continue reading
Tester's Corner: DEARDROPS Ed. Vol. 1
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce the DEARDROPS is now on sale! Continue reading
Today we’re going to talk a bit about the girls of DEARDROPS! Continue reading
Announcing Magical Teacher
For every hot teacher you’ve ever had (and I didn’t have any – the pain of living in the midwest) or wish you’ve had, Magical Teacher is here to combine cosplay with sexy teacher time. Continue reading
Announcements from Katsucon!
So what big announcements did we have to make at Katsucon this year? Well, for those who couldn’t attend the panel, here they are! Continue reading
Price Break 2012 Edition
Have you been putting off buying a game because it costs just that little bit more than you want to pay for it? Cursing at the exchange rates for being so rough? We know the feeling, and to help ease your wallet a bit, we’re cutting the prices on many of our older games. Now’s your chance to pick up that one you always meant to buy but never did, to try something you’ve read about here, or to just treat yourself. These prices are good from today onwards, so it’s always a good time to buy something new from MangaGamer.com. Full details after the cut. Continue reading
Month-end Update
They say that January is the hardest month to get through: post-holiday depression, bad weather (we got like six inches snow here in Seattle. WTF?), little daylight, and a groggy sense of returning to the real world after a month where it seems everybody but you had at least two weeks off. And then there’s been the recent Animepocalypse where it seems like the US industry is hitting another particularly rough patch. It doesn’t really make you chatty, does it? Since we’ve largely been toiling away in silence, here’s a look at what’s been going on since recovering from our New Year’s hangovers. Continue reading