As we mentioned last month, there’s some new hard-copies on the horizon, and today we’re announcing what they are! Continue reading
Harem Party
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce that Harem Party is now on sale! Continue reading
Harem Party: A Getting Ready Guide
So, following the positive response to our getting ready post on Conquering the Queen, we’ve decided to whip up another one on Harem Party. Continue reading
Upcoming Hard Copies
So, I’m sure many of you have been wondering what would be happening on the hard-copy front of things ever since we listed the new set of hard-copies we’d have in stock for AX2011, announced our new partnership with J-list, and then fell silent on the matter. Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to talk about today. Continue reading
Harem Party: The Girls
There may be some sort of clue in the title, but it feels like there should be some girls to land in Harem Party. And indeed there are: three routes await with plenty of side quests to keep you…er…occupied. Continue reading
Tester’s Corner: Conquering the Queen Ed. Vol 1
Though it seems many are already writing their own reviews of Conquering the Queen, today we bring you a Tester’s Corner from Nurio! Continue reading
Your Harem is on its Way!
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce that Harem Party will be available for purchase on November 25th, 2011! Continue reading
Conquering the Queen
Liked Berserk but thought it had too much blood and not enough sex? Then Conquering the Queen is here for you! Continue reading
Halloween Sale
Conquering the Queen: Your Conquests
Ready for some hardcore action? Let’s see who you’ve got to get it on with. Continue reading