A Word About the Upcoming ef Release

Today we have some news to discuss about our upcoming release of ef-the first tale. Those of you who have already looked at the product page probably noticed the “Reduced Mosaics” tag, and we’ve received a statement from minori which we’d like to share with you in order to explain this matter, and show you exactly what “Reduced Mosaics” entails. Read on to view their statement.

日本の皆さんも読んでくれて真にありがとうございます。元の日本語のお知らせはこっちらになります。 Continue reading

Sakura-con 2012 (UPDATED!!)

Hey everybody!

Look what arrived just in time for convention season. We’ll be bringing these beauties, along with all our other hard copy releases – both all ages and adult – to Sakura-con 2012 in Seattle, WA from 6-8 April for your purchasing pleasure. We’ll also have our famous Oppai mousepads on hand, and they’re absolutely FREE when you purchase a game. We’ll be located at table 630 (layout map here) so come on by, say hi, and buy some games.

PS: It’s gonna be cash-only, so make sure to google up locations for your bank or credit union and hit the ATM before visiting the dealer room.

Moving the Blog

We’ve recently moved the blog here, to this new web-address. This is where we’ll be posting all of our new posts from now on. This change means our blog and our forums will now be on the same server, as well as allowing us to make our own tweaks to the blog’s design. Do you guys have any suggestions for how you’d like to see the blog change (or stay the same)?