Tonight, Bamboo joined us all for another of his (in?)famous live chats, joined by Tamiyasu Tomoe (aka TAMMY), the voice actress who played Yayoi in DEARDROPS and Rin in Little Busters! Continue reading
Tonight, Bamboo joined us all for another of his (in?)famous live chats, joined by Tamiyasu Tomoe (aka TAMMY), the voice actress who played Yayoi in DEARDROPS and Rin in Little Busters! Continue reading
Once again, it’s time to talk about what we’ll be offering at this year’s Anime Expo! Continue reading
Once again, our great hero Bamboo has set about livechatting with the fans again. And once again our almost as great heroes Kouryuu, Shinikenshi, Agi, and of course Evospace came through on translation duties.