Starting today, we’re hosting a special White Day sale on all of our otome and BL titles! ✨ Save up to 50% on select titles until Wednesday, March 15th at 10PM PT!
Sale Period: Start: Wednesday, March 8th 9PM PT / Thursday, March 9th 12AM ET End: Wednesday, March 15th 10PM PT / Thursday, March 16th 1AM ET
Since so many of you enjoyed our Valentine’s Bundle earlier this year, we wanted to end 2019 with a bang with two unique bundles: our Naughty and Nice VN bundle packs!
Starting right now, you can get seven amazing visual novels in each Naughty (18+) or Nice (all-ages) Bundle pack for $39.95―that’s a $400 value for both bundles!
Sale ends December 26th, so act fast before this incredible deal disappears!
Our Nice Bundle pack includes: Higurashi When They Cry Ch. 1-4, Umineko When They Cry Question Arc, Himawari – The Sunflower, OZMAFIA!!, The Shadows of Pygmalion, The Kiss For The Petals -Remembering How We Met-, and Space Live!
Our Naughty Bundle pack includes: Beat Blades Haruka, Imouto Paradise 1, Eroge! Sex & Games Make Sexy Games!, Kuroinu Ch. 1, Boob Wars, Please Bang My Wife, and Free Friends 1!
Our very first otome game, Ozmafia!! is now on sale on! It’ll be unlocking on Steam in just a few hours! Follow Fuka (or whatever you fancy calling her) as she tries to navigate a magical land full of fairytale personalities and mafia conflict––with no memories, no less! What will you find at the end of the path you decide to have her take? Friendship? Love? …Or tragedy?
Update: If you downloaded Ozmafia!! from our store prior to May 3rd, 4:30pm EST, we have a patch for you to correct a few little bugs and script errors, just download it and unzip it into your game folder. If you got the game on Steam or downloaded it from us more recently, you should already have the updated version of the game. Thank you to everyone who reported issues so we could get those fixed!