Today we’re proud to announce two new additions to our catalog: Koenchu & Princess’ Edge!
Koenchu is very unique in the fact that it was developed by Japanese doujin circle Zero Zigen, but also released simultaneously in English by those very same people. The game is bilingual, fully voiced in both English and Japanese, with the choice to play in either language.
The story of Koenchu follows a boy named Souta who wants to become a voice actor. Join Souta has tries to make it in the harsh competitive world of voice acting, and enjoy all the many features this game has to offer: Achievements, radio shows, mini-games, and more!
Our other addition, Pirncess’ Edge by Erobotan is a fast-paced side-scrolling action game. This little game is sure to be fun for fans of the classics like Golden Axe or Streets of Rage.
Is it possible to use english translation with japanese voices in Koenchu?
Also, did MG check/edit english translation or left it as it is? Because in a few cases when original japanese game was released in two languages, english translation was quite sucky at best.. (Gin’iro and Deathtopia come to mind, though I’m sure I’ve seen at least one more VN like that)
We have not modified the translation, no. The release is exactly as Zero Zigen released it during their initial bilingual release. That said, unlike a lot of others, this does have a full English voice over.
parts of the dialogue is actually untranslated from what I remember of playing it.
One characters entire epilogue was just line after line of [untranslated]
After having tried Koenchu at an earlier stage, I can say for sure that the translation is almost on par with your earlier translations of games like Edelweiss, and like Izanagi said, a bunch of lines a bit all over are simply untranslated to begin with.
I would seriously consider making a proper translation and re-releasing it, or at least touch up the current one to get it to par with your most recent works.
I also found the English voices to be unbearable.