Today on the blog, we have a translator’s corner for Clockup’s How to Live a Healthy Hentai Lifestyle from YOUSEI!
This is part three of a three-part series! You can read part 1 and part 2 on our blog!
Hi, everyone! It’s YOUSEI, your translator for How to Live a Healthy Hentai Lifestyle, and I’m back with another blog post!

Today I thought I’d go through some of the extra features in the game. There are a ton of them; many of which seem minor but make a huge difference to the quality of life. I won’t be able to go through all of them, so you’ll have to have a dig through the settings to see what you can find when you get your copy!
First of all, you can of course replay any scene that you’ve come across in the game! You can choose between looking at the images, or replaying the scene fully, AND there’s even a togglable option for the game to save any variations from the scene you might have missed from different choices during gameplay. That way, you don’t need to worry about missing out on small changes, because you can catch up in the gallery later!

All the heroines (including the sub-heroines) have voiced UI lines (e.g. “loading!” or “game saved!”). You can toggle which heroines you want to have as your UI voice, and choose a combination of all of them, several, or just one… the choice is entirely up to you!
As you play through the game, you might find certain lines you love the delivery of! Fortunately, there’s a button you can click, and that voiced line will be saved to the gallery for you to listen to your heart’s content later on! Not only that, but there’s a small symbol on each text box to warn you when the next line will be voiced. How many of you have clicked too fast through a VN, only to cut off the character while they’re still speaking? Well, fear not, because that’s not going to be a problem in Hentai Lifestyle!

Finally, this one’s for everyone who likes to be shamed! The game tracks how many hours you’ve played in the load menu. In case you’re curious, I’ve clocked-up 405 hours so far. Sure, I have a bit of an advantage as the translator, but I still want to see if any of you can beat that record! There’s also a “percentage read” display that you can switch on and off if you want to see how much of the game’s content you’ve found.

There are loads of more features than just these, some of which are standard in VNs, and some of which I’ve never seen before, but I don’t want to spoil too much! Just know that the experience you’ll find in Hentai Lifestyle is going to be as convenient as it is fun!
I hope you’re all looking forward to grabbing your copy! Thanks for reading, and stay pervy!
CLOCKUP’s How to Live a Healthy Hentai Lifestyle is now available for purchase exclusively on MangaGamer.com!
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