Bamboo Livechat #3

Once again, our great hero Bamboo has set about livechatting with the fans again. And once again our almost as great heroes Kouryuu, Shinikenshi, Agi, and of course Evospace came through on translation duties.

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Bamboo Bounces Back

On Sale
In a week where illness knocked out the man with the MangaGamer plan, our fearless leader Bamboo delayed his second livechat for a day. As Kouryuu and Evospace took their places to translate with a boost from Shini and livetweets from Agi, would they be able to face the otaku hoards? Find out after the cut. Continue reading

More Interviews

So with the big news about Hard Copies finally going out, interviews are coming in. You can check them out at the links below, but feel free to leave comments here too if you’d like.

Interview #1: encubed
Interview #2: Siliconera Part 1 Part 2

And for those of you interested, Pre-Orders for the Da Capo Limited Edition are now open at Hendane!

Do you guys (from Hendane or MG) ship to Asian countries? Seriously… it’s so depressing that I can’t get a single physical copy of an eroge… But this news cheered me up… Now if you guys can only ship to my country, I will be the happiest guy in our country! XD