MangaGamer’s Holiday Sale


Today we’re proud to announce the start of our Holiday Sale! Starting from now until December 28th, everything in our catalog is 20% off*!

Come get a new game like Da Capo 2 or ef – the first tale. and enjoy warm, cozy nights with a cute girl at your side! Or cuddle up by the fire with a great story likeΒ DEARDROPS and Dengeki Stryker! Buy a few copies for your friends! Or come by after opening your presents to put that Christmas money to good use!

Everything’s on sale, so there’s never been a better time to buy all those games you’ve been holding off on!

*”Slave Witch April” and “Which girl should I choose?” are excluded from the sale

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One Comment

  1. Awesome!
    Back in Octobre I was anxiously awaiting a Halloween sale in order to buy Kara no Shoujo and was a bit disappointed when it didn’t happen. However, this is even better! Thanks a lot πŸ™‚

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