Inquisition into Tragedy


Many decades ago, the world was still recovering from its darkest time. Driven mad by the darkness, one took up a holy crusade to bring light to the heathens in his land, his eyes blind to the darkness of the very sins he wrought…

“This miserable state is borne by the wretched souls of those who lived without disgrace yet without praise… Is it this?”

The Perils of Editing Nukige…

Whenever I tell people that I work with porn for a living (and an ero scene in and of itself is porn), they always think that it’s the coolest job ever. And to be honest, it’s pretty nice. I set my own hours, work from wherever I want, and generally speaking, it’s a lot of fun. There is, however, a dark side to it… Continue reading

Announcing Kotori Love ExP!

We at MangaGamer are proud to announce that we will be releasing Kotori Love ExP, THE game to own for any Kotori or Da Capo fan! It features Kotori Love, a compilation of all Kotori’s moments from throughout the entire breadth of the Da Capo series, Kotori Extasy, the tale of Da Capo Innocent Finale with added scenes and moments for the rest of the cast, and Kotori Plus, an all-new tale of Jun’ichi’s post-marriage life with Kotori.
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