Higurashi Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi – Tester’s Corner Vol. 1


Greetings! While this is my first time testing Higurashi, I’m also the main editor on the series and have been since starting Watanagashi almost a year ago. Let me tell you, I’m grateful for the experience, because the thing about editing a game without having played the result is that no matter how good you are, there are things you’re going to miss. The longer the game, the more those errors increase exponentially… so it’s always good to take the chance to confirm what your efforts will look like in the final product. Expert advice from a professional here to all you prospective editor folks! Continue reading

The House in Fata Morgana Localization Team Interview with Videogamezone.eu


A few weeks ago, the localization team for The House in Fata Morgana participated in an interview with Italian gaming website, Videogamezone.eu. We thought we’d share the original English interview here so more people could read it. Please note that this post contains some spoilers about the game: Continue reading

Kindred Spirits Drama CD Vol. 3 Now Available for Pre-order!


The third Kindred Spirits on the Roof drama CD, Rain Kick, is now available for pre-order! It’ll be available from us and on Steam next Friday!

Now a sophomore in college, Aihara Miki’s been quietly worrying about the fact that she and her girlfriend Seina are often confused for sisters when they’re out together.

That’s when her friends Amishima Matsuri and Inamoto Miyu invite the couple to take a vacation at a summer resort with them…

Kindred Spirits Drama CD Vol 2 Now On Sale!


The second Kindred Spirits on the Roof drama CD, Friendship Plans, is now on sale on MangaGamer.com! It’ll be unlocking on Steam later today too. Both versions come with a downloadable video, audio tracks and special wallpapers. If you picked up the full set bundle previously, you should now have the second volume available (check your My Account page.

Tsurugimine Kiri and Koba Youka are both enjoying every day with their lovers. But at some point they realize their dates are getting a little repetitive and start to worry. When the two of them give it some thought, they decide to each plan a date for the other. What will Kiri plan for Youka, and what will Youka plan for Kiri?

The House in Fata Morgana: Tester’s Corner Vol. 1


Hello everyone, I’d once again like to thank MangaGamer for letting me participate in the beta test for The House in Fata Morgana, as well as BlackDragonHunt and Ritobito for translating and editing this fantastic game. It’s the first Novectacle game to be localized and what a way to start out in the west! Continue reading