Beat Blades Haruka Now Available for Preorder!


Alicesoft’s Beat Blades Haruka is now available for pre-order! Order before it’s released on February 23rd to pick it up at 10% off.

Evil ninja have invaded Japan to try and conquer it with their devant ideals and revive the ancient creature that grants them power! And the only way to stop them–is to get it on with your own group of ninja! Continue reading

Kindred Spirits On The Roof Now Available for Pre-order!


Liarsoft’s Kindred Sprits on the Roof is now available for pre-order! Kindred Spirits will be out on February 12th, just in time for Valentine’s day. Pre-order to pick it up at 15% off! Kindred Spirits will be DRM-free and all copies purchased from will come with a complimentary Steam key when the game is released on Steam. Let’s make this Valentine’s day a #yuritopia! Continue reading

2015 In Review


What an exciting year 2015 was for us! We brought thirteen excellent titles to the English market last year with eight of them also available on Steam and added a number of very successful third-party titles to our growing catalogue of visual novels. Our audience continues to grow thanks in no small part to Steam and a greater awareness of visual novels in general. With the successful release of our first BL game (the first in the English market in nearly a decade), we’re also reaching a broader audience than ever before. Without further ado, let’s take a look at how things ranked this year! Continue reading

Free Friends 2: Now Available for Pre-order!


Free Friends 2, the sequel to Free Friends, is now available for pre-order! Pre-order to pick the game up at 10% off. Free Friends 2 will be out on January 26th.

When her mother passes away suddenly, Shinozaki Sumire finds herself alone and without a means to support herself. Out of desperation she turns to the message board Free Friends to earn some money. She develops a relationship with her first partner, Kaito, without realizing that they’re much more than strangers… Continue reading

Princess Evangile Limited Edition Hardcopy Now On Sale!


The limited edition hardcopy of Princess Evangile is now on sale! Snag it with or without the limited edition wallscroll (or just grab the wallscroll by itself!). If you preordered before the 23rd your order is probably already in the mail (or maybe you’ve even received it already). It is a limited edition, so quantities are limited––pick it up while supplies last!

MangaGamer’s Best of 2015 Poll


To cap off the Twelve Days of Visual Novels and 2015 as a whole, we thought it’d be fun to hold a poll to determine the best releases of the year!

Here’s how it works: releases are split into two categories first party and third party. You can vote for one title in both (or just one if you prefer) polls every 24hrs through January 4th. We’ll be giving away five copies of the top ranking games at the end of the poll. To be eligible to win, enter your e-mail via the form at the end of this post––it’s that simple! And just for fun we’ve included a third category for most anticipated titles of next year. You can select all the titles you’re looking forward to but you only get to vote once, so choose wisely!
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12 Days of Visual Novels: euphoria


In the spotlight today for the 12 days of visual novels: euphoria. We have something a little different this time around. We have asked loyal customer and euphoria super-fan, Kitty-tama, to give us an in-depth review of our release:

Hello everyone, this is Kitty-tama. Euphoria is an eroge very near and dear to my heart, and I’m very honored to share my thoughts and feelings about it.

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12 Days of Visual Novels: GO! GO! Nippon! 2015


Today’s spotlight title for the Twelve Days of Visual Novels: Go! Go! Nippon! 2015.

Amidst all the preparations and general craziness the holiday’s seem to bring, you might find yourself wanting to read, play, or watch something cute, fun, and dare I say… educational? Then look no further than Go! Go! Nippon 2015! If you’ve been living under a rock and have no idea what this cute little adventure game is all about, then put away those Christmas ornaments and pull up a chair! I’m gonna give you a brief run-down on Go! Go! Nippon!

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