The physical edition of Free Friends 2 is now available for pre-order! On sale March 24th!
Tag: free friends 2
Free Friends 2 – Tester’s Corner Vol. 2
Yoho~ Rance-sama here! I’d just like start by saying that Free Friends 2 is actually a very high quality Nukige. The story and plot feel much more invested in rather than just being a means to an end for the H scenes. It really does an excellent job of getting you attached to the characters, so it can rip your heart out, stomp on it, and Tidus laugh in your face. When vndb tags Free Friends 2 with “Depression” and “Evil Route”, it’s not messing around. You have the Pure Love Route and the Depravity/Corruption Route, so all you softies out there can still enjoy your romance while the rest of us sick motherfuckers get to enjoy something so malicious and twisted that it would make even the evil otter pleased. Everybody wins! Especially the otter. Continue reading
Free Friends 2 – Tester’s Corner Vol. 1
Hello, this is Kitty-tama with my tester’s corner for Free Friends 2. This is my first (and hopefully not last!) title I beta tested for MangaGamer. It was quite an experience! Free Friends 2 is a significant improvement on the previous game in the series in every aspect. (More after the jump.)
Free Friends 2 Now On Sale!
Free Friends 2 is now on sale! Follow Sumire as she finds herself on the Free Friends message board in a time of need and in a strange twist of fate ends up with a man who turns out to be her long lost brother when she answers her first ad. Will you help Sumire rediscover her “family ties” or let her fall into debauchery for cold, hard cash?
Free Friends 2: Editor’s Corner
Hi, and welcome back to the Editor’s Corner! Once again, I’m balistafreak, and just like before I’m here to discuss the erotic side of my latest project, Free Friends 2. I thoroughly enjoyed Free Friends 1, and when I heard it had a sequel I just had to work on it as well. If you thought the wide variety of fetishes in the first Free Friends was a wild ride, your body isn’t at all ready for the second. Continue reading
An Introduction to Free Friends 2
Kaito, the newest student teacher at Minatohashi Higashi Academy, has a vice. Unable and unwilling to form meaningful, intimate relationships with other people, he instead satiates his need for intimacy through compensated dating. In order to feed this habit, he uses a message board known as Free Friends. Through its services, he can make the necessary arrangements and appointments with the various girls who also use the site, mainly students running away from home or simply in need of extra income.
Free Friends 2: Now Available for Pre-order!
Free Friends 2, the sequel to Free Friends, is now available for pre-order! Pre-order to pick the game up at 10% off. Free Friends 2 will be out on January 26th.
When her mother passes away suddenly, Shinozaki Sumire finds herself alone and without a means to support herself. Out of desperation she turns to the message board Free Friends to earn some money. She develops a relationship with her first partner, Kaito, without realizing that they’re much more than strangers… Continue reading