Tester’s Corner: No Thank You Ed. Vol 7


No, Thank You!!! got a lot of buzz when it was first released in Japan, and many Western BL fans hoped for an English release. Thankfully, MangaGamer decided to answer our prayers. It definitely stands out from typical BL game fare—two bara-looking love interests? Body hair and ejaculation options? Then again, NTY!!! is not exactly what you’d call a typical BL game. Continue reading

Tester’s Corner: Princess Evangile Ed. Vol 2


“Would you be interested in beta testing Princess Evangile?,” the e-mail said. This was my first project coming off d2b vs DEARDROPS, and I was eager to work again. I took a look at some info about the game online. A game where you just romance girls as the typical only guy in an all-girls’ environment? I despaired a bit at what I thought would sure be some awful, generic nukige.

Turns out that, as I would soon learn, I was completely wrong. Continue reading

Tester’s Corner: No Thank You Ed. Vol 3


No Thank You!!! is the first visual I had the pleasure of testing for MangaGamer, and when I first received the offer, I could honestly say I was a bit daunted. Not only was the game lengthy, it was obviously so far out of my genre it wasn’t even funny, considering the subject matter. Despite that, I was happy to dive in and get the full experience that it could offer. Continue reading