No, Thank You!!! Bonus Short Story

We managed to fit the four short stories from the original Japanese release of No, Thank You!!! into our hardcopy’s mini-artbook. While we didn’t have space for it in the hardcopy, parade was kind enough to give us a fifth one (previously only published in the game magazine Cool-B), so we thought we’d share it you all today.

This particular short story was originally published in Cool-B Vol. 54, March 2014 Edition (Released February 4th, 2014) as a belated birthday celebration for Kouichi. If you enjoy this one, there are four more in our Limited Edition Hardcopy of the game! If you happen to be going to Anime Expo, you’ll be able to snag a copy a little early, and pick up some other merchandise while you’re at it too.


Happy Birthday 1/16

It was 5 p.m., an hour before sótano opens. Hiroshi gave a crystal-clear, half-hearted answer as he made ice balls at the counter. He didn’t seem like he was in the mood to talk at all. How dare you…
I’m just going to have to play a prank on you now! But if his hand slips while he’s holding that ice pick and someone gets hurt, that could be a problem, so I’ll wait for a break during work and… wait, he’s not even reacting to my silence.
I’ll get you for this, Hiroshi! This is what you get for ignoring me!
“Finishing move! Booty grab!”

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Tester’s Corner: No Thank You Ed. Vol 7


No, Thank You!!! got a lot of buzz when it was first released in Japan, and many Western BL fans hoped for an English release. Thankfully, MangaGamer decided to answer our prayers. It definitely stands out from typical BL game fare—two bara-looking love interests? Body hair and ejaculation options? Then again, NTY!!! is not exactly what you’d call a typical BL game. Continue reading

No Thank You! Creator Q&A


We’ve got something a little special to share with everyone today: some background on how No, Thank You!!! was developed and a bit of insight into its creators. This is a translated excerpt of the Q&A section of No, Thank You!!! Setting Sourcebook. This post contains some spoilers about the plot of the game, so if you haven’t finished at least one route yet, you might want to refrain from reading zontil you do.

Any answers not specifically attributed to a staff member are from Amemiya, the game’s director. Hamashima, the game’s artist, is referred to by her BL penname, Sanpei here.

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Tester’s Corner: No Thank You Ed. Vol 3


No Thank You!!! is the first visual I had the pleasure of testing for MangaGamer, and when I first received the offer, I could honestly say I was a bit daunted. Not only was the game lengthy, it was obviously so far out of my genre it wasn’t even funny, considering the subject matter. Despite that, I was happy to dive in and get the full experience that it could offer. Continue reading