Today we’re bringing you some big news regarding our hard-copy editions! Continue reading
Tag: Circus
Anime Expo 2011-Hard Copies
It’s time to announce the new hard-copies we’ll have with us this year at Anime Expo! Continue reading
EU Hard Copy Sales Now Open
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce our new website for hard copy game sales in Europe! Continue reading
Kotori Love ExP
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce our release of Kotori Love ExP is now available for purchase! I hope you’ll all enjoy this sweet, charming collection of tales centered around Kotori! Continue reading
Tester’s Corner: Kotori Ed. Vol 3
It’s time for another Tester’s Corner, and this time you get to hear from Tuna Salad!
Tester’s Corner: Kotori Ed. Vol 2
With only two weeks left before Kotori Love ExP goes on sale, it’s time for another Tester’s Corner, and this time you get to hear from Nurio! Continue reading
Tester's Corner: Kotori Ed. Vol 1
Hmm, what’s this? A Tester’s Corner from Tim for Kotori Love ExP? Why is the date on it from the future… what…?僕と契約してって? Continue reading
Announcing Kotori Love ExP!
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce that we will be releasing Kotori Love ExP, THE game to own for any Kotori or Da Capo fan! It features Kotori Love, a compilation of all Kotori’s moments from throughout the entire breadth of the Da Capo series, Kotori Extasy, the tale of Da Capo Innocent Finale with added scenes and moments for the rest of the cast, and Kotori Plus, an all-new tale of Jun’ichi’s post-marriage life with Kotori.
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What’s Coming Down the Pipeline
It’s been a while since our last major update like this, and with both Koihime Musou and Guilty ~The SiN~ now out for your enjoyment, it’s time once again to talk about what’s in store next. Continue reading
MangaGamer's Getting Hard!
HARD COPIES THAT IS! Click below for more info and answers to some questions. Continue reading