And in the blue corner we have the retired glory of Kazami Academy’s track team, Kousaka Mayuki!
Tag: Circus
Christmas Giveaway!
This year, we’re happy to be giving 2 lucky winners a grand Christmas present of Da Capo 2! See below for details. Continue reading
Da Capo Innocent Finale
We at MangaGamer are proud to announce our release of Da Capo Innocent Finale (D.C.I.F.) is now available for purchase! This game marks the latest addition to our All-Ages catalog, and is sure to be an enjoyment to Kotori fans everywhere. Continue reading
DC II: Suginami
There is no first name, there is no last name, there is only SUGINAMI…
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DC II: Sawai Maya
Seeing as how DC II is a month away from release (barring any egregious errors…) I’d thought I’d take the time to do some character introductions. In an effort to avoid spoilers for the main characters, I’ll be focusing on the supporting cast who are in no way small, secondary characters. To those with keen ears and have watched a whole lot of anime, some of their voices might be a little familiar.
Lately things are changing…
A lot has been going on here at MangaGamer, and we’re almost ready to show it off! Continue reading
Tester’s Corner: DCIF Ed. Vol 6.
Our fifth installment of DCIF’s Tester’s Corner is brought to you by RF! Continue reading
I'm just going to leave these here…
Tester’s Corner: DCIF Ed. Vol. 5
Our fifth installment of DCIF’s Tester’s Corner is brought to you by Pixymisa! Continue reading
Tester’s Corner: DCIF Ed. Vol 4.
Today we bring you our fourth installment of DCIF’s Tester’s Corner! Continue reading