A Fairy Tale of the Two

I believe that everyone prays to God at least once in their lives. Even if they do not believe that he exists, the one day that they pray will inevitably arrive. All human beings will pray for something. They will wish to pursue it. They will want to reach out and take hold of it. It is something imagined from our affinities and our emotions. Of that much I am certain.
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A Word About the Upcoming ef Release

Today we have some news to discuss about our upcoming release of ef-the first tale. Those of you who have already looked at the product page probably noticed the “Reduced Mosaics” tag, and we’ve received a statement from minori which we’d like to share with you in order to explain this matter, and show you exactly what “Reduced Mosaics” entails. Read on to view their statement.

日本の皆さんも読んでくれて真にありがとうございます。元の日本語のお知らせはこっちらになります。 Continue reading

Month-end Update

They say that January is the hardest month to get through: post-holiday depression, bad weather (we got like six inches snow here in Seattle. WTF?), little daylight, and a groggy sense of returning to the real world after a month where it seems everybody but you had at least two weeks off. And then there’s been the recent Animepocalypse where it seems like the US industry is hitting another particularly rough patch. It doesn’t really make you chatty, does it? Since we’ve largely been toiling away in silence, here’s a look at what’s been going on since recovering from our New Year’s hangovers. Continue reading

Ever Forever

ever forever post header

I believe that everyone prays to God at least once in their lives. Even if they do not believe that he exists, the one day that they pray will inevitably arrive. All human beings will pray for something. They will wish to pursue it. They will want to reach out and take hold of it. It is something imagined from our affinities and our emotions. Of that much I am certain. Continue reading