Edelweiss Trial Version is Out!

Eiden Island

We at MangaGamer are proud to present that a Trial Version of Edelweiss v2.0 is now available!

Edelweiss is a tale of comedy, love, and the antics of horny young people. Brought to you by the creators of Green Green and Kira Kira, this crazy tale full of hijinks, fun, and the mysteries of alchemy is a great addition for anyone looking to have a good laugh with their game.

This Trial Version features the new translation which will be made available for free to all prior purchasers of Edelweiss along with all new purchasers.

Bad trip dive Lyrics (Curtain Call)

Okay, I really couldn’t put up the lyrics to Kimi no Turn without putting up the lyrics for Bad Trip Dive. Why? Because the songs are such pairs–questioning each other, answering each other. Those who have played the game will really enjoy and understand where these lyrics came from. They really are two songs that are just meant to be together. Continue reading