For those who missed out on AX 2011, we now have an album up on our Facebook page with all of the photos we took! Come take a look, and add your own! See if you can find yourself in the massive Ahegao Double Peace photo!
Tag: Anime Expo
Anime Expo Guests Update
Joining us for the first time this year at Anime Expo will be Mimasu, president of AKABEiSOFT2, as well as their illustrator, Alpha!
Alpha is the primary illustrator for the AKABEiSOFT2 brand, doing illustrations on many games such as Devil on a G-String, Sharin no Kuni Himawari no Shoujo, and World Love Organization. She’s also still quite active in her doujin circle, Alpha to Yukai na Nakamatachi, as well.
Also joining us is the president of Clochette!
You can see information on the various guest companies in this post.
Bamboo Bounces Back
In a week where illness knocked out the man with the MangaGamer plan, our fearless leader Bamboo delayed his second livechat for a day. As Kouryuu and Evospace took their places to translate with a boost from Shini and livetweets from Agi, would they be able to face the otaku hoards? Find out after the cut. Continue reading
Anime Expo 2011-Goodies
So, with Anime Expo drawing near, I’m sure you’re all wondering how much your wallets will be hurting, so we’d like to help you plan for financial ruin in advance by showing you some of the goods we’ll have to offer in addition to our new hard copies. Continue reading
Anime Expo 2011 – Guests
Now it’s time to reveal what you’ve all been waiting to hear about: the guests who will be joining us! Continue reading
Anime Expo 2011-Hard Copies
It’s time to announce the new hard-copies we’ll have with us this year at Anime Expo! Continue reading
Anime Expo 2011–Guest Companies!
As always, we’ll be at Anime Expo again this year, and bringing some great companies with us! In this post we’ll be showcasing them all!
As we hinted at previously, we have three special guest companies coming to AX in addition to our usual lineup…and we think you’ll all be pleasantly surprised by who they are.
Bamboo's Livechat!
Hey everybody! So last night (or very early this morning if you’re European…), MG’s awesome Japanese producer bamboo came on ustream to talk to foreign fans. For those of you who missed it, here are some of the things which were discussed. Remember to thank Evospace, Kouryuu, Agi, and Shini for their help in translating, organising the event, moderating chat, and so on. Continue reading
Anime Expo 2010 Live Concerts
For those who couldn’t make it to AX for the Live Concerts, those who couldn’t catch the Live Streams, and those who simply want to watch them again–We now have the footage of the first live concert up on our Youtube Channel in full 1080p HD stream!
Anime Expo Gallery
Finally got around to transferring my photos, so here’s some AX 2010 photos for you all to enjoy! ……I apologize now for not being a very good cameraman. (Now supplemented by pictures from my friend who joined me.) Continue reading